Will smart phones put point and shoot digital cameras in the dustbin of history? That's the scuttlebutt lately. It seems the iPhone 4S has a 8 MP camera that takes decent pictures (hoping to get an iPhone later next year when my contract is up for renewal - who knows, but then ,we may be up to the iPhone 5!).
I can say this - I have three Sony digital cameras: a point & shoot (12.2 MP); a "medium level" camera, as I like to call them (DSC-H20 - 10.1 MP) and a Sony Alpha (10.2 MP). In my previous reviews, I believe I indicated that, although it has more megapixels, the quality of the pictures taken by the point & shoot just does not compare favorably with the H20 or the Alpha - they latter are still my "go to" cameras (that's why hubby has been "gifted" the point & shoot!). The point & shoot is mainly for banging around (when we are hiking or going to sporting events and we don't care what happens to the camera); the others are for more sedate/important times - travel, sightseeing, parties, etc. But, once you have 8MP and up cameras in cell phones, do you need a point & shoot, or is a point & shoot something you would just rather not carry around anymore?
What do you think?
Monday, December 19, 2011
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Sorry for the delay!
As you may have heard, my part of the country was hit by the crazy pre-Halloween snowstorm! We got 20 inches of snow in my city and we lost power for ~6 days. Brr was it cold trying to sleep in 20 degree weather with no heat. Add to that no telephones, no cell phones, no water, no Internet! It was stir-crazy-ville!
We have been busy cleaning up (lots of tree damage), and so no time to tell you yet about the PDN photo show in NYC. Good thing I had already planned to go that Friday, because had we gone Saturday, we would have been snowed in in NYC for a couple of days as the trains were not running to CT for a day or two.
I will tell you about it as soon as I have some real time to write. I'll give you a preview though - although it was bigger - with the addition of the Wedding Professional photographers hall to the expo, it was disappointing. Olympus chose not to have a booth (although it was a sponsor of the show!); Pentax's booth was so small we missed it - didn't see a Panasonic booth. And the folks at the Kodak booth were just downright nasty - no wonder they are struggling in the market - if you are nasty to your biggest customers, why should we buy from you?
Anyway, after those tidbits, I'll be back soon with more info.
We have been busy cleaning up (lots of tree damage), and so no time to tell you yet about the PDN photo show in NYC. Good thing I had already planned to go that Friday, because had we gone Saturday, we would have been snowed in in NYC for a couple of days as the trains were not running to CT for a day or two.
I will tell you about it as soon as I have some real time to write. I'll give you a preview though - although it was bigger - with the addition of the Wedding Professional photographers hall to the expo, it was disappointing. Olympus chose not to have a booth (although it was a sponsor of the show!); Pentax's booth was so small we missed it - didn't see a Panasonic booth. And the folks at the Kodak booth were just downright nasty - no wonder they are struggling in the market - if you are nasty to your biggest customers, why should we buy from you?
Anyway, after those tidbits, I'll be back soon with more info.
Monday, October 17, 2011
PDN New York City
The big photo show is coming up in less than two weeks in NYC and I'm planning to go to the EXPO (if they ever send my passes!). I last attended in 2009, and there was lots of interesting information on new products, cameras, techniques, printing, etc. Very exciting! And, this year they are combining the regular photo show with the wedding professionals photo show - two shows in one!
Unfortunately, I am not allowed to take photos in the exhibition hall (boo!), but I'll be sure to share with you what I saw and found to be of interests, and any products I was able to try.
On a personal note, I finally started selling my photos online through zazzle - please give a look, and if you feel like it, let me know what you like, or if there is anything you's lime to see. Thanks! zazzle.com/ABAllenPhotography*
Unfortunately, I am not allowed to take photos in the exhibition hall (boo!), but I'll be sure to share with you what I saw and found to be of interests, and any products I was able to try.
On a personal note, I finally started selling my photos online through zazzle - please give a look, and if you feel like it, let me know what you like, or if there is anything you's lime to see. Thanks! zazzle.com/ABAllenPhotography*
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Steve Jobs
Few people have had such a profound effect upon the world. Although Apple wasn't known much for photography (okay, it had some cameras on its iPhones and iPads), Apple revolutionized what we could DO with our digital photos and videos.
I've said I was a Sony girl once Sony bought Minolta from Konica (it allowed me to use my Minolta lenses - very expensive - on my new Sony alpha camera without having to shell out for new lenses). In fact, I am now typing this on my new Sony Vaio (replacing an HP that died a premature and apparently HP-the-company couldn't care less death), but don't think I didn't consider Macs.
My first computer was a Mac SE - wish I had kept it - some enterprising people turned theirs into aquariums - very cute. But, I traded it in (yes Apple had a trade-in program then) for an Apple LC II in 1992. That I still have and it still works - but it can't connect to the internet and I have to use the old dot-matrix printer with it! LOL! Then, I met and married a Windows guy, and, for family harmony (although he reluctantly looked at Apples with me a few months ago), I have been a Windows person. Let me tell you though, I win the lottery, and I will be buying myself the most souped-up Apple that I can find.
Thanks for all the innovation, Steve. I'm sorry you had to go via pancreatic cancer - my family lost two women to that dreaded disease. They, unfortunately, went very quickly (5-6 weeks from diagnosis). I'm glad that you were able to be treated (although I can only imagine how painful and grueling it must have been). I hope what the medical professionals learned from your case can be used to help others. RIP, Steve.
I've said I was a Sony girl once Sony bought Minolta from Konica (it allowed me to use my Minolta lenses - very expensive - on my new Sony alpha camera without having to shell out for new lenses). In fact, I am now typing this on my new Sony Vaio (replacing an HP that died a premature and apparently HP-the-company couldn't care less death), but don't think I didn't consider Macs.
My first computer was a Mac SE - wish I had kept it - some enterprising people turned theirs into aquariums - very cute. But, I traded it in (yes Apple had a trade-in program then) for an Apple LC II in 1992. That I still have and it still works - but it can't connect to the internet and I have to use the old dot-matrix printer with it! LOL! Then, I met and married a Windows guy, and, for family harmony (although he reluctantly looked at Apples with me a few months ago), I have been a Windows person. Let me tell you though, I win the lottery, and I will be buying myself the most souped-up Apple that I can find.
Thanks for all the innovation, Steve. I'm sorry you had to go via pancreatic cancer - my family lost two women to that dreaded disease. They, unfortunately, went very quickly (5-6 weeks from diagnosis). I'm glad that you were able to be treated (although I can only imagine how painful and grueling it must have been). I hope what the medical professionals learned from your case can be used to help others. RIP, Steve.
Friday, September 23, 2011
Check out this post
If you are in the market for a new computer, check this out before buying: An Independent Connecticut Yankee: Bad customer service alert
Friday, September 16, 2011
A Zazzle creation
Just a quick idea of what you can do with your photos at Zazzle. I've been having fun turning my memories into useful and/or pretty objects.
make custom gifts at Zazzle
make custom gifts at Zazzle
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Photography online
I've only just started to post some of my works online for sale. If you are interested, check out my store . Thanks for looking. And there will be much more posted in the days to come! If you join as an associate, and post links to stores (hopefully mine! :-) ) on your blog, you can earn a commission as well. Check out the information here . If they ask, please tell them that I sent you (store name ABAllenPhotography).
Thanks a bunch!
Thanks a bunch!
Saturday, September 10, 2011
It's been a while - summer, Irene and tropical storms, oh my!
Summer does have a way of passing quickly, doesn't it? And then to end it on a bang with Irene and 5 days of no power, water or "fresh" food! To be followed by flooding and more flooding from Lee! Excitement all around.
I promise a photography related post soon, but for now, I thought I'd share with you an interesting book I recently read. Here's my review from Goodreads. And, in the interest of full disclosure, I won the book from a contest hosted by Goodreads.com.
The Millionaire Fastlane by M.J. DeMarco
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Very worthwhile book. Worth reading a second and even a third time in order to absorb all the wisdom. I always felt what has been standard financial advice to make no sense whatsoever, and I steered clear of those "advisors" years ago once I realized their plans could not help me to reach my goals. M.J. DeMarco clearly, succinctly , and colorfully opened my eyes and helped me understand why standard financial advice didn't make sense to me and how I could work towards my goals and dreams. I've already recommended it to multiple friends who are interested in starting their own business - and they are reading it now before they begin. And now I have a starting point for my business as well. Thanks M.J.!
Highly recommended!
View all my reviews
I promise a photography related post soon, but for now, I thought I'd share with you an interesting book I recently read. Here's my review from Goodreads. And, in the interest of full disclosure, I won the book from a contest hosted by Goodreads.com.
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Very worthwhile book. Worth reading a second and even a third time in order to absorb all the wisdom. I always felt what has been standard financial advice to make no sense whatsoever, and I steered clear of those "advisors" years ago once I realized their plans could not help me to reach my goals. M.J. DeMarco clearly, succinctly , and colorfully opened my eyes and helped me understand why standard financial advice didn't make sense to me and how I could work towards my goals and dreams. I've already recommended it to multiple friends who are interested in starting their own business - and they are reading it now before they begin. And now I have a starting point for my business as well. Thanks M.J.!
Highly recommended!
View all my reviews
Friday, June 3, 2011
Freebie alert!
I know - long time, no see. Well, my less than 2 year old computer has apparently died a very quick death for no apparent reason and I am not happy. In any case, I've never tried the company, I can't speak for their products or services, however, that being said - FREEBIE (S&H not included)!
Clark Color labs is doing a promotion for a free 5x7 photo book with this code: 11CAFREE5X7 which expires on 6/30/11 and up to 120 prints at 3 cents per print with code 11CA3CP, also expiring as of 6/30/11, shipping and handling not included for either offer.
Give them a try and come back here and let us know what you think.
Clark Color labs is doing a promotion for a free 5x7 photo book with this code: 11CAFREE5X7 which expires on 6/30/11 and up to 120 prints at 3 cents per print with code 11CA3CP, also expiring as of 6/30/11, shipping and handling not included for either offer.
Give them a try and come back here and let us know what you think.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Freebie alert!
valid for one 8.5" x 11" CLASSIC CUSTOM
PHOTO book with 20 pages.
Picaboo book. Offer available to new customers only. Use code FREECC at http://www.picaboo.com/promo/freecc?siteID=IBwITZjpR00-ketr7d_smJecFkJ4290iEQ For US residents only. Expires March 22, 2011.
Have fun!
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Cool New Product Alert - HP/Palm Touchpad
Just wanted to let you know HP has announced a competitor the the iPad - the Touchpad. You can find the specs here: http://www.crunchgear.com/2011/02/09/hp-announces-the-palm-touchpad/ Looks pretty good. My initial disappointment is that it seems to have only one camera - on the side facing you - like a webcam. When the iPad came out, many indicated that a camera on both sides would have been beneficial - I don't know why HP didn't compensate for that. On the plus side, unlike the iPad, the Palm Touchpad runs FLASH! Yay!
Here's the product page for the Touchpad - enjoy! http://www.palm.com/us/products/pads/touchpad/index.html
The product page indicates it will be available this summer. If, after this winter you weren't yearning for summer already, this should make you want summer to get here even faster! Can't wait to get a look at it in person. I am a long-time HP fan (although I do like Apples too - my first home computer was a Mac SE back in the day).
Here's the product page for the Touchpad - enjoy! http://www.palm.com/us/products/pads/touchpad/index.html
The product page indicates it will be available this summer. If, after this winter you weren't yearning for summer already, this should make you want summer to get here even faster! Can't wait to get a look at it in person. I am a long-time HP fan (although I do like Apples too - my first home computer was a Mac SE back in the day).
Saturday, February 5, 2011
New shopping site
For some good deals on photography needs (and many others) check out the sites below. You can comparison shop, find deals and coupons and in some cases, get cash back. I've bought a couple of health/beauty items from there and it's been fine. See what you think. One of today's deals of the day is a Wii Console in white - list price is $199.99, deal price is $168.00. Deals are limited so act fast and check it out every day for new deals.
You can also check out this one: http://mall.shoptoearn.net/RetailMall.aspx?p_id=999984217&sid=3stGwB2iCCYUA48-41111612418.ff
And for "green" purchases: http://www.shoptoearn.net/cgi-bin/genesis.exe/index.html?p_cart=G&p_get_webid=aballenkk
Happy shopping.
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Sony a-nex cameras
I mentioned these cameras in the past - I had wanted to get my hands on them to give them a try because I was curious as to how a camera the size of a digital still camera could balance with extra lenses. Now, you could buy lenses that would fit the a-nex, or you can use a converter lense so that you could mount the Minolta and Sony A lenses to the camera: the α-NEX Camera Mount Adapter, which retails at the Sony site for $199. Well, that adds weight to the front end of the camera, as would an A-mount lens. I did get the chance to hold the a-NEX-3 camera, and the weighting of it just did not feel balanced to me. I'd be interested in checking out the a-NEX-5 series which shoots 1080p movies, but, I thing the only way you might get around the balance problem would be to invest in new E-mount lenses, and even then, I am not sure that would resolve the problem (although you wouldn't have to deal with the expensive mount adapter, and I assume the E-Mount lenses are lighter than the A-mount). I don't plan myself on switching anytime soon. My Sony alpha DSLR, my Sony DSC-H20 are great for me, and my Sony DSC-W220
is serviceable for my husband. I have too much money invested in the Minolta/Sony A-mount lenses.
Sony a NEX,
Sony alpha,
Sony DSC-H20,
Sony DSC-W220
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Great news - take photos in public as you please
As you may know, photographers have been hassled for taking pictures in public places - yes, even tourists taking pictures of iconic spots. Now, according to a federal bulletin, this is to stop. See: http://www.crunchgear.com/2011/01/27/photographers-youre-now-officially-free-to-shoot-in-public-places-and-outside-federal-buildings/ and also http://www.andrewkantor.com/useful/Legal-Rights-of-Photographers.pdf Now, in reality, might you still get harassed by a security goon? Sure. So, you may wish to print the linked story(ies) out and carry it (them) with you for their edification. Note, private property is private property and you must abide by the property owner's wishes per the above articles.
Note, I am not providing legal advice - just letting you know about websites that discuss legal rights regarding photography.
Note, I am not providing legal advice - just letting you know about websites that discuss legal rights regarding photography.
Thursday, January 13, 2011
A few money savers for you
A couple of money saving offers that came my way that I am passing on to you:
Picaboo: 20% off plus free shipping on Classic books and Calenders. Expires midnight PT January 17. Use code HNY20FS
Corel: is offering Painter 11 (I have not used this product) at a discounted price - instead of $399 for the full version, the present price is $219; and instead of the the upgrade price of $199, you can now upgrade at $119. They are also giving away with this deal a $30 coupon to be used at CanvasPop, and free shipping. Expires 1/17/11. It appears no code is necessary. http://store1.corel.com/corel/product/index.jsp?&dcs_action=applyCoupon&onyxcampaignid=4435&url_coupon=4435&ym_mid=1304155&ym_rid=145963185&skuId=ESDPTR11ENPCUG&1=1&storeKey=us&promo=4435&mapcounter=1&pid=prod3430234
Picaboo: 20% off plus free shipping on Classic books and Calenders. Expires midnight PT January 17. Use code HNY20FS
Corel: is offering Painter 11 (I have not used this product) at a discounted price - instead of $399 for the full version, the present price is $219; and instead of the the upgrade price of $199, you can now upgrade at $119. They are also giving away with this deal a $30 coupon to be used at CanvasPop, and free shipping. Expires 1/17/11. It appears no code is necessary. http://store1.corel.com/corel/product/index.jsp?&dcs_action=applyCoupon&onyxcampaignid=4435&url_coupon=4435&ym_mid=1304155&ym_rid=145963185&skuId=ESDPTR11ENPCUG&1=1&storeKey=us&promo=4435&mapcounter=1&pid=prod3430234
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Long time no see
Sorry I have been gone so long - holidays snuck up on me and then all the obligatory family colds/flus have struck. I promise I'll be back soon with photography related material.
For now - question for you - for those with e-readers - what's your favorite? I'm leaning towards the Nook Color (I know, hard to believe for a Sony girl, but, really, I'm a Minolta girl and Sony bought Minolta!) right now for several reasons, one being COLOR! Two, I'd like to help keep B&N in business (and evenif they go under the Nook will be a prime asset, so I am not worried about service). Three, this month B&N will put it on the Android 2.2 platform (still not the latest but B&N will start making apps available, making it a high quality e-reader and a low cost tablet.
So, what are your thoughts about e-readers?
For now - question for you - for those with e-readers - what's your favorite? I'm leaning towards the Nook Color (I know, hard to believe for a Sony girl, but, really, I'm a Minolta girl and Sony bought Minolta!) right now for several reasons, one being COLOR! Two, I'd like to help keep B&N in business (and evenif they go under the Nook will be a prime asset, so I am not worried about service). Three, this month B&N will put it on the Android 2.2 platform (still not the latest but B&N will start making apps available, making it a high quality e-reader and a low cost tablet.
So, what are your thoughts about e-readers?
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